Win Prizes, Make Friends, Start Great Habits in this Easy Challenge!

Hey lady,
Don't give up on your health goals just because the Holidays are here. 

It's not too late to join this Challenge! 


5 simple habits that you can finish by 9:00 am (ish) 



I want SIMPLE steps to finish 2023 STRONG!

In this FIVE-DAY CHALLENGE you'll get: 

  • BABY STEPS daily
  • Handbook and Journal
  • Daily Training with a physician & coach
  • New Friends
  • New mental and emotional tools
  • Healthy eating CHEATSHEETS
  • Chance to win PRIZES


Help me with BABY STEPS!

Have you spent the whole year planning to "get it together" and lose weight or get healthy?

I get it! 


Join this SIMPLE Challenge

 You CAN STILL lose or maintain weight this year. 
You need AN EASY, DOABLE PLAN, and SUPPORT to finish this year strong. 

Join this SIMPLE Challenge

What will you get during this challenge?

Challenge Handbook

Plenty of advise, tips, a habit tracker, and your scorecard to make sure you complete your four Daily Healthy Habits.


Private Community

Daily prompts, tips and tricks, and motivation to keep you hitting those Challenge Goals. AND new friends and laughs!


Daily Short Training

I'll go LIVE Daily to answer your questions, teach you what to focus on, and share some laughs. 

I'll cover JUST THE BASICS you need to focus on NOW to start losing

You will end the week with MOMENTUM and a PLAN to keep going in 2024.

Check out the daily details

What to eat to lose weight after age 40.

How to get some motivation (even if you got no motivation.

How to NOT fail this time (even if you've 'failed' before).

How to exercise after age 40 (even if the treadmill is holding the laundry.)

Putting it all together - uncovering your BEST SELF in 2024.

Join the Challenge

See what past participants are saying about the Challenge!

 I'm Jennifer!

Doctor, Mother, Wife, Life Coach, Inspiration Engineer

Even as a doctor and nutrition professional, who was eating a WHOLE-FOODS-PLANT-BASED diet, I started to gain weight after age 40.

I struggled with:

Eating HEALTHY foods, but eating too much.

Feeling that I could NOT just GET STARTED to make changes.

Overwhelming and confusing amount of diet information available (is it really this complicated?)

This CHALLENGE is exactly what you need to:  


✅ SUCCEED with Simple BABY STEPS to gain some MOMENTUM

✅ Ditch the MINDSETS that are keeping you STUCK like CHUCK 

✅ Get incredible support, humor and friends

I have a unique mix of medical knowledge, coaching education and personal experience of trying to lose weight and create better health for myself and my family, while living a busy life!